5+ Best modhop Upgrades of 2012.
It seems perfect that our beloved #modhopMonday lands on the final day of 2012. It gives us an excuse to blab about the best stuff we stumbled upon or saw […]
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Jake Redman
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Airline: American Airlines First Class
Aircraft: Boeing 737-800
Row: 6 Seat: B
Class: First
The Seat: At first glance they may look a little thin, but not so. American Airlines first class aboard the 737-800 offers seats that are as wide (or wider) than what you might find aboard similar planes. With that tiny test passed, you’ll sit down to find that legroom is also very impressive with plenty of room between your face and the back of someone’s head. Add good recline and adjustable headrests, this is a nice seat.
Food: I’ve been watching a lot of competition shows on The Food Network so I understood this to be “bad plating”. While a cable-tv food critic might be more objective about the meal, I thought it was fine except for the ocean of ultra-tart dressing on the salad.
Summary: With maybe one notable exception I can’t think of a better thought-out domestic first class seat. Many spots to put your stuff, good elbow and legroom plus wi-fi that will soon incorporate on-board movies, tv and special programming all combine to make a very pleasant experience up-front.
Rating: 4 hops (of 5)
Strategy: Look for upgrade opportunities online in advance of your flight or at an American Airlines kiosk when you get to the airport. We upgraded using “AAdvantage” miles via aa.com.
Modhop Host & Founder Jake Redman brings years of global exploration and travel tips to the podcast and our videos at Modhop. Jake is also a Producer and Host for SiriusXM.
It seems perfect that our beloved #modhopMonday lands on the final day of 2012. It gives us an excuse to blab about the best stuff we stumbled upon or saw […]
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Alex on January 7, 2013
Just thought I would throw this out there that the right side of the 737-800 actually has one to two more inches of pitch. This is because of the coat closet on the left side if I recall correctly. Flew their first class to Seattle. Really not too bad.
Chris W Huffman on March 28, 2013
I don’t care about the food or entertainment..what comfort does the seat have?
Joe on April 25, 2013
i went 1st class on AA’s 738 during my panama trip last xmas. Always luv 2 fly 1st class and now i’m tryin 2 avoid coach due 2 my height. i saw u were on the newer 738 cuz of the tv under the overheads. keep up the reviews jake.
Jake Redman on May 2, 2013
Thanks Joe!
Rick on June 30, 2014
How is the reclinability on the last row 6 of first class? Torn between choosing that or closer to the front.
modhop on July 12, 2014
Whether or not seats in other rows offer a greater recline, I’m not sure but recline seemed normal in row 6.
Rick on July 21, 2014
Thanks Jake! Just curious do you know if the 737-800 are now modified to have IFE on the back of all seats?
bosflyer on March 16, 2015
Equal to the other rows