Anthony’s Philippines: “It was an Adventure” Jake Redman
Anthony’s Amazing Singapore: “Toe Dipping” Point of SE Asia Jake Redman
Anthony’s Ireland: Hellman’s Makes Ketchup Too Jake Redman
Dallas, Disney and Deals. Our 100th Episode. Jake Redman
AirBnB Cancels Some Cancelling & Jake Thinks Charlotte is a Beach Town Jake Redman
No longer do you have to be flying in the front 1/3 or upper deck of the airplane to be amenitiezed! We’ve done enough trans-oceanic flying to know what our in-flight amenity kit “must haves” are. Here’s a list of things you can mix and match to make up your own. Click on any of the pics to buy online or use amenity kit builder in the sidebar.
3M Earplugs: These are good earplugs. Rated to 29db, these seem to work better than higher db earplugs made by others. 3M has a grasp on manufacturing stuff like this…and post-its. 200 pairs are included (click on the pic)! *modhop tested and approved!
Flight Socks: Medium Anti-deep Vein Thrombosis (Dvt) These help prevent DVT, a dangerous condition where clotting happens in deep veins. The loss of circulation can be fatal. Even those who don’t carry the risk factors can benefit from the added circulation. Don’t forget to get up and walk around the cabin every few hours when on long flights, too!
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