Video | Sonesta Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Sonesta Ft. Lauderdale continues the beachy vibe of this South Florida hidden gem. Check out our review of the then B Ocean hotel to see what you’ll find inside!
Sonesta Ft. Lauderdale continues the beachy vibe of this South Florida hidden gem. Check out our review of the then B Ocean hotel to see what you’ll find inside!
Hotel Name: Roommate Emma Location: Barcelona, Spain Rating: 3 {{orbitz2}}
Hotel: The Standard, Hollywood Location: West Hollywood, CA
Location: Centrally located in Downtown Minneapolis, The Westin is steps away from shopping, major sporting events, nightlife and entertainment. Thanks to the city’s downtown skyway system, you don’t even have to step outside to get to most of it! Service: Basic to Above Average. Minimal exposure to front […]