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Click the "More Details" button below to book:
Airline: United
Aircraft: Boeing 777-200 (former Continental)
Seat: (Row) 33 and above.
Class: Economy
The Seat: Legroom suffers aboard this United Airlines 777-200ER with at least an inch less legroom than competitors. Once installed, the lack of space should be a key selling point for upgrades to Economy Plus. Seat width here is typical for this aircraft. Rows 33 and up aren’t bulkhead or exit rows, so there shouldn’t be a tray table or personal TV in the armrest to reduce the space.
Personal TVs are installed at all seats so you’ll have something to do, so long as you find a movie or TV show you can sit through. With competing airlines really upping the bar on in-flight entertainment (Cathay Pacific’s “Studio CX” and even Delta’s movie selection aboard transoceanic flights), the selection here seemed a little sad.
Service: I was starting to think that perhaps I had unfairly misjudged the crew aboard this Tokyo to Newark flight. “Maybe I’m just TOO used to the great service I get aboard the Asian Airlines”, I thought to myself. But after hopping a few fairly long trans-pacific flights aboard competing US airlines AND a few more international legs aboard United (all former Continental to be more specific), I’m sad to report a number of experiences with pretty salty flight attendants. I have a huge love and respect for what these people do and try not to be the guy to make their job more difficult, but when politely asking something like “Do you have any decaf?”, I’d be happy with “Sorry, no.”, instead of a terribly disgusted and annoyed look…then a very stern “NO!”. I wasn’t sure if he was mad at me or the fact that I drank decaf, but he could have communicated that better (I just like the taste of coffee, sorry!). Similar snips of equal or greater levels of disgust were offered to other passengers aboard this particular flight.
One high note for this crew is that a few of them went out of their way to find vegetarian food options for the gentleman behind us who hadn’t requested a special meal in advance. From the sounds of it, he ate pretty well. My best guess is that the flight crew was a majority vegan caffeine addicts.
Food: Having recently learned more about what goes into my convection oven dinner aboard this flying mess hall, I’ll go easy. But seriously United, presentation goes a long way. Put some parsley sprinkles on it or something. (The mid-flight sandwich was actually as awful as it looked.)
Summary:. Not bad enough for me to get into a “I”M NEVER FLYING UNITED AGAIN!”-style rage, but smiles and food presentation will help keep people on-board with this newly melded airline. Fly this plane if the price is affordable, your tolerance of marginal service is high and you have some extra movies on your personal electronic device.
Rating: 2 hops (of 5).
Strategy:There’s no strategy in booking a typical economy seat like this one. I’d recommend upgrading to Economy Plus if it’s in the budget and you’re taller and need the leg-space.
Tagged as: mod hop, modhop, united, 777-200, 777-200ER, air lines, boeing, Continental, Jake Redman.
Modhop Host & Founder Jake Redman brings years of global exploration and travel tips to the podcast and our videos at Modhop. Jake is also a Producer and Host for SiriusXM.
US Airways Media Day yielded little in the way of big announcements other than the introduction of in-flight wi-fi to remaining A320 aircraft and new routes from Washington DC. Not that those […]
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Jacob Paiste on April 10, 2012
Indeed looks a little bit tight. I flew on board United’s 777-200 from Dulles to Beijing in first. The movie selection was DEVASTATING. Literally the TV’s were like 6 by 6. The flight attendants would then show you a list of movie options. You’d pick one and they’d give you a cassette tape for it. You’d put it into a slot, and the movie would begin playing on the 6 by 6 tv screen. Truly un happy with United, however just like your self I am spoiled with Asia bases carriers.
Emerson Senden on April 17, 2012
I had a TERRIBLE expiriance with UA this week. It had me traveling for 35+hrs. Terrible service, lost luggage, and bad attitude to go with it.
The travelers on June 9, 2012
Take into account it is on an aircraft. It is not supposed to be paradise. Sure it’s a little tight but if you really need that much room go to the flat bed seats in first class. sorry but this was the was not an impressive review.
Awesomeness on June 9, 2012
Jake Redman on June 12, 2012
Awesomeness, Your 2 comments are well received. I respectfully agree that economy is simply that…Economy.
In my reviews I do my best to compare and contrast levels of service between different airlines and offer an opinion. I appreciate your honest input and hope some of the other reviews here at modhop are more helpful.
D Scott Robinson on October 7, 2012
I’m flying UA in March to TPE from CMH- IAD-NRT NRTPE ON ANA… FLYING ON A 747 from NRT TO ORD on return.. I’m a little nervous for the 747 flight. I just asumed it had personal video. .any advice? flying coach by the way.
Jake Redman on October 7, 2012
My best advice would be to pack a gadget that will play movies or stored programming. I recently flew on a remaining Delta 747 without personal video between Narita and JFK and it was brutal. If you have an android phone, the google play store has a good selection, I’m not sure about iphones or other devices but I’m sure they have similar options. Comfort-wise it’s a matter of preference…45 B – C on the United 747 have good legroom but maybe some minimal galley noise (I’d avoid 45 H-J). Rows 58-60 are in pairs near the windows and seats B and J have extra room for storage during the flight, but you’re a little further from the window so you can’t lean against the wall to sleep. Hope that’s helpful.
D Scott Robinson on October 13, 2012
Great, thanks for the response, I guess I will be bringing my iPad along with me.
Gms1983 on January 3, 2013
Traveling UA in may LHR-EWR-LAS-SFO-LHR really concerned we might not get personal TVs. Is economy extra that much more?
Jake Redman on January 3, 2013
Economy Plus is the same experience as economy but with a few extra inches of legroom. Personal TV’s depend on the aircraft. Most of United’s 777’s have some sort of seat-back entertainment in economy but a few are more limited than others. I’d try entering your flight #’s at seatexpert.com to see if it pulls up the aircraft you’ll be flying.