Video | Sheraton Guangzhou Hotel – Guangzhou, Guangdong China
Review of: Sheraton Guangzhou HotelLocation:: Guangzhou, Guangdong ChinaReviewed by: Jake RedmanRating:3On October 4, 2012Last modified:October 4, 2012Summary:Click “More Details” to book online:More DetailsHotel Name: Sheraton Guangzhou HotelLocation: Guangzhou, Guangdong China. […]
Joshua Myatt via Facebook on October 9, 2012
Didn’t think our CRJs had EC.
Az on October 9, 2012
Are you in Burlington, VT?
Jake Redman on October 10, 2012
Burlington is correct!
Modhop via Facebook on October 10, 2012
Not sure the older CRJ’s have it, just the 700’s.
Mark on October 14, 2012
One again good work Jake, I was going to mention that this was Burlington. It’s my home base and I am Delta DM so I am used to this hop to LGA.
Az on October 15, 2012
I knew it was Burlington
Landon Harris via Facebook on October 22, 2012
I can report that the tiny crj200 is economy comfort free..
modhop via Facebook on October 22, 2012
Thanks Landon!