Skip Camera Envy and use These Tips for Great Smartphone Pics.
Smartphone cameras have got much better in recent years, with better photo resolution, more lenses, and better storage options for your photos. A camera is one of the best features […]
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From Jake: “Adventure” travel isn’t necessarily on-brand for Modhop, but one of our contributing authors insisted we throw some inspiration your way. Hope this helps motivate some to get beyond first class to more exciting vacations when you’re ready…
There is nothing worse than feeling bored and uninspired with your routine. Going from day to day job to day to day job without a break in the monotony feels like a waste of a life, and it is. Where’s the fun? Where’s the adventure? Where’s the support from your friends and family to go out there into the world and do something with yourself? Your life is not just about working and dealing with the family; you deserve adventure and happiness, and you have to go out and get it.
Routines are comfortable. They bring you peace and they make you feel secure. The problem is that too much routine is boring and that repetition can give you the sense that you want to break out of life and run. Do you want to go to Bali? Do you want to adventure to Antarctica? If you are in need of some helpful tips before embarking on an Antarctica adventure, check out this handy guide on crossing the Drake Passage. If you want to go to Bali, check out this Bali beach list. You need to get out and make your life count, and here are ten signs you’re in need of an adventure to remember for a lifetime.
What kind of adventures could you have in life? Are you ready to go on one and make your life count for something? We sure are. We’re ready to grab life by the hands and embrace it. You can’t spend your whole life living for other people – so stop doing that. Do for you and be selfish. When you empty your cup and give other people what you have, you end up empty.
Don’t end up empty.
Tagged as: motivation, adventure travel.
Contributing Author August 10, 2021
Smartphone cameras have got much better in recent years, with better photo resolution, more lenses, and better storage options for your photos. A camera is one of the best features […]
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