United – A319 (319)- Seat 1B
Airline: United Aircraft: A319 Seat: 1B Class: First
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Update (March 2014): This is now an “Economy Comfort” seat and offers more legroom and a more generous recline.
Tagged as: 15c, 757-300, air lines, Delta, northwest.
Modhop Host & Founder Jake Redman brings years of global exploration and travel tips to the podcast and our videos at Modhop. Jake is also a Producer and Host for SiriusXM.
Airline: United Aircraft: A319 Seat: 1B Class: First
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jeff on September 5, 2012
great website. i’m looking to find out where the best seats are for the kids to see the movies on delta airlines 757-300 aircraft on flights between sea and hnl. the delta website or the 800 number people were unable to verify the locations of the video monitors. any help would be appriciated cuz the kids sure seem to be worried about missing a movie at 30.000 ft; and it’s there first flight. thx
Jake Redman on September 5, 2012
Hi Jeff,
It’s a good question. Best I could find as a flickr photo here that might help illustrate how they’re spread out within the cabin: http://www.flickr.com/photos/78168042@N05/7179521868/
In my experience it hasn’t been difficult to see the screens from any seat. But then, I’m not a kid. If all else fails, you may have luck negotiating a row swap with the passengers in-front of (or behind) you by explaining that you don’t want your kids to have to crane their necks to see the movie. If they refuse, tell your kids to kick their seats mercilessly until landing in Hawaii. ;c)
CB on November 11, 2012
Hi Jake,
I will be flying on the Delta 757-300 (LAX – HNL) route. I am just curious if sitting in 15A will allow me access to the aisle in front of row 14 when needed without disrupting passengers in 15B and 15C, so they won’t need to move out of the way as like other rows. Another curious question is the window alignment with seat 15A, meaning is the window misaligned or is the seat aligned properly to the window(assuming all 757-300 configurations are the same). Thank you very much in advance.
CB on November 11, 2012
Hi Jake,
I will be flying on a 757-300 (LAX – HNL) route. I am wondering if I will be able to access the aisle in front of row 14 from seat 15A so that I won’t be disturbing the passengers in 15B and 15C when I need to get up. Also will the window for the same seat 15A be aligned or misaligned(assuming all 757-300 configurations are the same). Thank you very much in advance.
Jake Redman on November 12, 2012
These are (or should be) now be Economy Comfort seats, which I have yet to review. I can tell you that in it’s original configuration, getting up meant the normal climbing over your neighbors in the B/C seats or wedging in between the exit door and whoever was in the A seat in the row ahead. I’d imagine though, with the extra room provided by the newer, roomier seating area it might be a less daunting task to get over or around others.